Long standing foot ulcers. Known diabetic. This patient had multiple foot and leg ulcers and had been to multiple hospitals before approaching us. Basic investigations were done and patient was put into advanced wound care. In less than three months the ulcers had healed completely . #diabeticfootcare #diabeticulcer #diabeticfeet #footulcer #diabeticfootulcer #diabeticfoot #charcotfoot #charcotsfoot #pressureulcer #ulcersonfeet #footwound #diabeticulcertreatment #footdiabetic #footdiabetes #diabeticfootcareclinicinhyderabad #podiatrist #podiatristnearme best podiatrist in hyderabad diabetic hospital near me foot doctor near me best diabetic foot surgeon in hyderabad
This is a case of diabetic charcot foot with fractured calcaneum. Patient had been to multiple hospitals before coming to us. Patient was asked to walk on the fractured calcaneum. No one bothered to take an x ray and only after we did an X ray we realised the patient had a fracture of the calcaneum. Patient came with a through and through wound on the plantar aspect of the foot, involving the heel. Calcaneum was evident on probing. We did advanced wound management and as the x ray show, the fractured calcaneum healed and patient was mobilised in customised footwear.
The Diabetic Foot & Wound Care Clinic , Hyderabad. Tel: +91-8801109826/ email: savelegsclinic@gmail.com