1. Do you have pain in the back of the calf along with swelling of the calf and leg?
Your pain and swelling may be from a clot in the deep veins, DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS or due to leakage of blood due to valve damage of the deep veins (Deep Venous Insufficiency)
2. Do you have tender, soft knots or winding veins in the calf or leg that are worse after standing for long hours?
These are likely to be VARICOSE VEINS, weak-
walled veins that balloon out with the pressure of standing.
3. Do you have a fever, a red tender area or a red streak up your leg?
These are all signs of infection
4. Do your calves ache after walking, and is the pain relieved with rest?
Your muscles may not be getting enough blood because of hardening/blocks of the arteries. This happens more in Diabetics, hypertensives, smokers, tobacco chewers.
5. Have your legs darkened especially around the ankles & shin ? Do you get recurrent bouts of infection or ulcers in the legs in these areas ? Have you been getting recurrent ECZEMA for many years which has not been cured inspite of multiple visits to the skin specialist.
These are due to damage to the deep veins and will not settle till the venous system is treated.
6. Do you have marked swelling of your feet and lower legs?
You may have EDEMA from heart failure, kidney disease or blockage of blood returning towards the heart
7. Do you have an ulcer, eczema or blackened/darkened area on any part of the leg, which does not heal or keeps coming back again and again.
You might have a peripheral venous or arterial problem which must be evaluated and in most cases is treatable.