CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease)
Patients have compromised renal function. They have raised serum creatinine for which they are on medical treatment or on some kind of dialysis — hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis etc.
Diabetes and CKD together are a dangerous combination leading to spontaneous gangrene, small injuries which increase rapidly or conversely long standing wounds which take long times to heal or may not heal at all. These are challenging cases where the skill & knowledge of the treating doctor are tested to the utmost so as to deliver the most favourable result to the patient.
Patience of both doctor and patient are tested as it may take a long time for the wounds to heal alongwith which patient compliance is extremely important.
Some case results are shown below of patients with chronic kidney disease with foot infection :
1. Case with Renal Transplant and Infected wound of the Tendo Achilles area
The necrotic wound completely healed
- Case with high creatinine levels (>3), forefoot gangrene…not on dialysis
3. Case with Creatinine in the range of 3-4 since past 3 years on Hemodialysis thrice weekly
4.Case with serum creatinine in the range of 3-4 since few years, on hemodialysis thrice weekly.
Complete closure. Patient mobilized in customized footwear.
5. Case of patient with foot infection, CKD, Ischaemic Heart Disease and forefoot gangrene
I had to ampute all the toes but patient achieved complete closure of the wound and was mobilized in customized shoes.