15% of diabetics experience serious diabetic foot infection problems.
Foot problems from diabetics cause more economic loss and morbidity than heart diseases
A significant number of these diabetics are middle aged and are the sole breadwinners for the family.
40% of all diabetic admissions to hospitals are from foot problems.

Categories of Diabetic Foot Infection
Non Limb Threatening Infections : Those infections which can be treated on out patient basis

Limb Threatening Infections : Severe foot infections may frequently present with only high blood sugars and no systemic signs like fever, etc. The Savelegs Clinic has ample experience in saving such toes and feet.

Life Threatening Infections Such infections destabilize the patient. Such patients may need intensive care. The Savelegs Clinic regularly treats such kind of patients with massive leg or foot infections and believes in saving lives and limbs. Our multidisciplinary team is well equipped to cater to such kind of infections including those with antibiotic resistance.